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A Message From Our Founder:

The National Black Theatre [NBT] is committed to developing the full creative potential of its constituency. It is dedicated to the preservation and sustenance of a unique spiritual tradition that flows from an African world-view of art. Our artistic presentation offers an authentic creative expression and must be conserved for the benefit and longevity of people of African descent. All of the National Black Theatre’s theatrical productions must continue in all aspects of their execution, the tradition of its ancestral legacy. This cultural legacy is one that fosters self-empowerment. It requires the artist to first redefine the role and function of theatre art. In this process, the first artistic requirement is to develop an art standard that specifically addresses the sensitivities of people of African descent born in America. Because this standard of art emanates from an African world-view and is grounded in spiritual tradition, it removes the separation between audience and stage. The Theatre Performance technique style NBT has created is called “The Teer Technology of Soul.” This new methodology is needed to ensure the authenticity of our creativity and to recognize and glorify the development of the inner spirit of each artist.


NBT remains committed to advancing the development of its community because we believe that community-based theatre is a promising way to realize the economic potential of the great cultural resource called “Soul.” It is the transformational force of this creative phenomenon that draws audiences from all over the world to witness our inspirational form of theatre art. Our artistic endeavors call for a major paradigm shift within our theatre community... always moving from a victim story to a heroic expression of inner courage and power.


For the black artist to have creative freedom and for our ancestral heritage to flourish, we must pass from generation to generation a tangible legacy of theatre art that is self-sufficient and empowering. We must recognize and leverage our existing creative assets and human resources, in order to achieve parity in the 21st Century. This is our artistic mission.


DR. Barbara Ann Teer


Dr. Barbara Ann Teer's

National Black Theatre
Institute of Action Arts

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