In response to the devastating impact of COVID-19, this season’s fall line-up is composed of a series of original commissioned and digitally devised theatrical works that builds upon founder and CEO Emerita Dr. Teer’s “A Letter to The Future.” In the midst of all the social unrest and possibility, this season’s productions and partnerships examine how we want the future to look, how we can create it now, and who and what we’ll find there. Primary partnerships for the fall include the voting non-profit When We All Vote and New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts Department of Drama. Additionally, NBT is creating an open call for members of its community to submit their own Letter to the Future and participate in a time capsule to help inspire the future. To submit your response, click here! Submissions close December 31, 2020.
“This fall is a powerful moment for NBT to empower the artists who help us innovate and imagine a different and new future. We have been bombarded with the unfortunate fatal and uncomfortable truth that the system we have been accustomed to is not working. Amplifying a ‘salve’ is what NBT has been known to do for the last fifty-two years, so let us build the future, NOW! The next generation is waiting, watching, and ready. They are counting on us to make a difference.”
- Jonathan McCrory, Artistic Director
(Click an image to learn more!)
Dr. Barbara Ann Teer's
National Black Theatre
Institute of Action Arts