*photos by Tiph Brown*
Launched in 2018, SOUL Directing Residency is one of the only residences in the country to provide a Black mid-career director with a creative home for 18 months to gain exposure, training, and NYC credentials. The director is mentored and supported to build and develop new work under the guidance of the SOUL Series LAB (Liberating Artistic Bravery). program staff learning how to hone their creative process, the power of collaboration, and what it takes to develop work within the NYC market.
Directors within this program are given real-time experience and on the job training under the guidance of the SOUL Series LAB program staff. The goal of this program is to shift who has access as a director and allow directors to deepen their network. Directors will focus on mounting an NBT main-stage production of an existing play or generating a new devised work.
Current Residents
Past Residents:
Ebony Noelle Golden (125th & FREEdom)
Dr. Barbara Ann Teer's
National Black Theatre
Institute of Action Arts